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Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV, by Ben Shapiro
Free Download Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV, by Ben Shapiro
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From the Back Cover
Primetime Propaganda is the story of how television has been used over the past sixty years by Hollywood writers, producers, actors, and executives to promote their liberal ideals, to push the envelope on social and political issues, and to shape America in their own leftist image.In this thoroughly researched and detailed history of the television industry, the conservative columnist and bestselling author Ben Shapiro argues that left-leaning entertainment kingpins in Los Angeles and New York have leveraged—and continue to use—their positions and power to push liberal messages and to promote the Democratic Party while actively discriminating against their opponents on the right. According to Shapiro, television isn't just about entertainment—it's an attempt to convince Americans that the social, economic, and foreign policy shaped by leftism is morally righteous.But don't take his word for it. Shapiro interviewed more than one hundred of the industry's biggest players, including Larry Gelbart (M*A*S*H), Marta Kauffman (Friends), David Shore (House), and Mark Burnett (Survivor). Many of these insiders boast that not only is Hollywood biased against conservatives, but that many of the shows being broadcast have secret political messages. After reading this groundbreaking exposé, readers will never watch television the same way again.
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About the Author
Ben Shapiro is editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire and host of "The Ben Shapiro Show," the top conservative podcast in the nation. A New York Times bestselling author, Shapiro is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and an Orthodox Jew, his work has been profiled in nearly every major American publication, and he has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows. He has appeared as the featured speaker at many conservative events on campuses nationwide, several of those appearances targeted by progressive and “Antifa” activists.
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Product details
Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Broadside Books; Reprint edition (June 26, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 006193478X
ISBN-13: 978-0061934780
Product Dimensions:
5.3 x 0.9 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
182 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#20,756 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
The Liberal Propaganda of the Left and the Control of Hollywood and Your TV.I have always said that TV and the entertainment industry in general including Hollywood are what I have called “the great Left wing propaganda machine†in which people and events are often portrayed as being the opposite to what they really are. Good and hard working middle class people who live by decent Conservative principles and who prosper as a result of their endeavours through the jealousy of Liberal thought are usually portrayed as being heartless and ruthless ogres who are enemies of society. On the other hand lower and baser types who as a result of leading a footloose and degraded lifestyle occupy the lower levels of society are portrayed as victims and are elevated to near sainthood. In this meticulously detailed and researched book Ben Shapiro calls on his own empirical experience in Hollywood when as a Conservative film script writer he was informed by his agent that, “Your political views will make it impossible for you to get a job in this townâ€. He was also told that he will be excluded from Hollywood social circles and Hollywood is a very “social†town. He informs us that, “The book makes a case that Hollywood content isn’t merely or accidentally leftist, but is consciously designed by liberal creators and executives to convert Americans to their political cause†and that this was designed to “....set America sliding down the slippery slope away from its Judeo-Christian heritage....â€. As far back as 1944 the Conservative film legend Robert Taylor helped to form the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals due to his alarm concerning the Liberal Communist activities of certain actors in the Screen Actor’s Guild and he warned that there were some very “un-American†films being made in Hollywood. He also appeared as a witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Walt Disney was a Conservative Republican and was an associate of Joseph McCarthy and worked with J. Edgar Hoover as a secret informant for the FBI against Liberal Communists in Hollywood. Actress Bo Derik has said that, “Actors in Hollywood are ostracised and denied work if they openly support the Republican Partyâ€. Because she is a Conservative and supports the Republican Party she was told in the year 2000 that she will never work again in Hollywood. She also said that Liberals in Hollywood often became violent and nasty when they discover that you are a Conservative. From its very inception Liberal Communism set out to gain total control and ownership of the print and electronic media and entertainment industries in order to constantly saturate our minds and those of our families with a steady and uninterrupted flow of Liberal propaganda and Ben Shapiro tells his readers that, “You’ve been targeted by generations of television creators and programmers for political conversion. You’ll find out that the box in your living room has been invading your mind, subtly shaping your opinions, pushing you to certain sociopolitical conclusions for yearsâ€. These select few who run the media get into your living room through your TV for year upon year and they saturate your home and family with Liberal ideas until they become a constant and total part of your very existence and as Ben Shapiro tells us in this excellent book this situation must be improved.Timothy M. Clifton.
This is an interesting book, well researched and well written. Ben Shapiro does a good job of showing how entertainment has been used to propel a very specific narrative to an unsuspecting people. If your interested in learning something about the entertainment industries liberal bias this is your book.
Ben Shapiro grew up in Hollywood and has traced the history of the industry showing how the left has infused the media over the years with a kind of brain washing to shape the way we think. At first I didn't buy his premise, but after reading this book and examining my own experiences and how television shaped my desires, my expectations of life from the time I started watching at the age of about six, I can see that he's correct. I am struck by how truly powerful television has been in shaping minds, affecting education and all walks of life. I had the thought recently after reading this book, that had I not been influenced so strongly by television to value certain places, jobs, ways of dressing and talking, etc., my life would have been completely different. And that includes family relationships and friendships. So, this book is definitely worth reading.
Excellent reference of how the Frankfurt School followed their tenets and conquered America without firing a shot or developing a tyrannical dictatorship; instead, a benevolent dictatorship was created. The current hostility against President Trump is not because he is "out of control" but because the people rejected their programming. The media is the message as Mr. Shapiro suggests in this book.
Though im not always in agreement with Bens views, there's no denying his intelligence. And this book is great for anyone waking up to the liberalism all around them. Ben actually tricked a bunch of famous hollywood types into thinking he was a liberal and got them to open up about pushing liberal agenda in tv and film. He also deconstructs several television shows and ranks the most conservative shows on tv. EXCELLENT BOOK.
Most people will learn something reading this book. Ben is clear and concise regarding the political views of the most popular T.V. shows in history. I found his insights beneficial, highly recommend this book... God bless you and yours Ben Shapiro.
Very well written work exposing the leftist agenda that crept into tv from the earliest days. Highly entertaining and educational book.
Very long book, but tells you everything you ever wanted to know about how movies and Tv influence our thinking. Tons of research went into this. Well done.
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