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The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science Way of Life, by Dom Mazzetti
Free PDF The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science Way of Life, by Dom Mazzetti
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About the Author
A self-proclaimed expert on everything, Dom Mazzetti is an Italian-American bro in his early twenties that hails from the tri-state area. Confidently stupid with good intentions, Dom refuses to grow up, and takes glee in his day-to-day responsibility-free existence. At his core - way down deep to his perfectly sculpted core - Dom is a great guy, just misunderstood. Dom is the type of guy that will give you the shirt off his back, even if you don't want his shirt, just so he can be shirtless. This is his first book.
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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1Life Before LiftingHonestly, I am not even sure what there is to say about life before lifting weights. All I know is that there was no science, no text, no research or literature dating back to the time period BL. Because of scientific advancements, we now know that life existed Before Lifting, but there is nothing worth talking about. Man was a barnacle on society, a fucking troglodyte, before he started moving mass. Nothing mattered until man grew a pair of arms, swam to the surface from miles beneath the sea, and climbed his ass onto land. It was in that moment, my friend, that life truly began.Now, if you haven't yet lifted, you are still in the ooze state. To be human means that you have to be in a solid state, and you are far from there at this point. The fact is, you have not been to church yet, and you have not met the Swoly Spirit.It's important that you recognize where you came from. I know where you came from, but I ain't your dad. You can call me daddy, though. Your mom already does. Ouch. But let's take a deeper look at who you are at this point in time. You are young, but not the cool kind of young like Young Jeezy. By definition, "young" means that you have not grown. It does not matter how old you are because the fact is that you have not started lifting yet, which means that you have not grown, ipso facto, you are young.And you are definitely scrawny. Being scrawny is worse than being skinny, and that is really tough to do. Being scrawny goes beyond what you look like-scrawny engulfs your personality. When you are scrawny, even your soul is frail and weak. People pity you and want to give you their leftover Chili's. The only positive to being scrawny is that you can literally lift any weight and it will add muscle to your body. Anyway, I am not trying to ruin your confidence 30 pages into this book.Just kidding, you have no confidence. You are like the fat kid from Rocket Power, but at least he had friends. When a human owns a sense of confidence, that human is able to lift weight. The more weight one can lift, the more confident one is. I can lift more fucking weight than Atlas, and that homie had the world on his shoulders. I have a better shoulder cap than him, too. Plus, Earth is not even heavy. I do core exercises with Jupiter.At the end of the day, you are aware that you cannot keep living in the ooze state because ooze is not a state. New Jersey, Virginia, Miami . . . now, those are states. You are like my best friend, Boosh: You do not have any options, you are not very talented, and your personality is marginal at best. You simply will not be able to navigate the world (i.e., the gym) as primordial ooze.Sorry not sorry if my words come off as harsh, but the fact is that if you want to be somebody you only have one option: gym. This is that moment when you make the decision to evolve, to become something, to wake the fuck up and be alive. This is the moment you decide to start lifting. You want to lift for the sole purpose of looking good, getting girls, and fixing that horrible genetic dice roll you ended up with. So tee up a Facebook event and invite your 89 friends, because you are about to have your Bar Mitzvah. There is no turning back now, in your life and in this book. If you turn one page back both will blow up. Good luck.Stage 2TadpoleEver wonder why arms are the most important part of your body? Because they were the first to develop, physiologically speaking. Not your brain, not your heart, and certainly not your legs. If the tadpole did not have arms, it would not have been able to climb ashore and invent the bench press. Take a moment to thank your muscle cannons and appreciate where you came from. Welcome to the Tadpole stage.Chapter 2The BrofessorThe Tadpole stage of evolution is a pivotal moment, but more important is how and why you started lifting in the first place. That honor belongs to your brofessor. Your brofessor is the most important person in your life. He's someone you can confide in and trust, for like two hours at a time three or four days every week. Your brofessor is the living and breathing inspiration right in front of you. He is proof that greatness is possible.You may never truly understand why your first brofessor chose to learn you. Maybe your older sister overheard you saying how much you wanted to "get ripped" and forced her husband to lug your skeleton into the gym. Or maybe your college roommate saw you for the first time and didn't want to live with a pussy, so he convinced you to go to the boneyard after Comp 101. Some gym noobs find their brofessor on their own terms; others are lucky to have a brofessor assigned to them. However you end up in a gym, one fact is indisputable: No one ever starts going to the gym by themselves. That is like showing up to a party alone. You are going to stare at your phone for ten minutes then leave because everyone knows you're a virgin. So just be grateful that this bro entered your sad and pathetic life.Once you have been introduced to the gym like some Freemason's initiation, you will begin copying everything your brofessor does. This is where you will start forming your personal foundation of Bro Science beliefs. You are like a sponge soaking up any fitness knowledge your brofessor leaks onto the gym floor. Your brofessor introduced you to this world; everything he says you take as fact because he created this world for you.I met my brofessor in high school when he was hanging out in the parking lot drinking a shaker cup full of whey protein. This dude was fucking jacked. I asked him what was in the futuristic cup and he handed it to me. Tasted like chunky chocolate sap. I asked him why the hell he was drinking that stuff, and his only reply was, "Helps me recover." Recover from what? I needed to know. I started lightly stalking him and copying what he did in the gym until one day he came up to me and told me that if I kept deadlifting like that I was going to throw my back out before I was eighteen. From that day forward, I listened to everything he told me.You must accept your brofessor as your spiritual guide and believe everything he says to you. If he tells you to tuck your shoulders back while benching, you tuck your fucking shoulders back. If your brofessor tells you that doing high reps makes your muscles more cut, you will believe this, no questions asked. Now, since you are susceptible to believing any knowledge, good or bad, that your brofessor feeds you, you better pray to the goddamn stars that you are blessed with a good brofessor. Ending up with a shitty brofessor is like having racist parents. No kid is born racist, but after years of hearing his parents' ignorance, he will grow up to be that kid who never left his hometown and thinks the Holocaust was made up by Hollywood Jews. Trust me: You do not want to get stuck in a conversation with this guy at the gym. And if you are this guy, it is too late because you will never realize the mental rapist that you have become. You are wasting my time and energy by the sheer force of your stupidity. In summary, a good brofessor is more important than good parents.Assuming you have a decent brofessor, flash forward three months and you will have made some beginner gains that no one cares about or notices, except for you. Mirrors and reflective objects are slowly becoming your best friend because you are your best friend, because you are the best thing around.Rules of Lifting with Your BrofessorNever interrupt when he is speaking.Always do what he is doing, even if you know it's wrong, which it isn't.If he decides not to show up without telling you, don't question him.If he tells you that you have more reps in you, listen to him. He knows you better than you know yourself, even if you just met yesterday.Drink any liquid that he tells you to drink.Chapter 3What Is a Pump?As if your brofessor has not taught you enough, he also introduced you to the most important achievement of your life: your first pump. Your first pump is a life-altering moment, but the loss of your first pump is even more important. It's an alpha and omega moment. A pump is when you witness actual change happen to your body as a result of lifting, only to see that change disappear a few hours later. You experienced what you could be and what you once were all in one day. It's a vicious cycle, but a necessary one.There is no way to describe a pump to someone who has never had a pump. It is like describing to Helen Keller how 3D glasses work. She has never even seen a 3D movie; she died before 3D was invented. But that's what I'm here for: to do the impossible, so here goes.By the standard definition, a pump is what happens when you are lifting and blood rushes to your muscles, swells them up, and makes them rock hard. But alas young virgins, a pump is so much more than standard definition. When you get a pump, you are becoming the absolute biggest and best version of yourself for, like, two hours. A pump is instant gratification. It is the only thing in life that lets you know what you are doing is working. Think about it: When I am reading, I don't see my brain getting all huge and hard. Take that, school!A pump is seeing your future. Once you see yourself with a pump you want to be that big all the time. Then once you get that big, your pump gets even bigger. No matter how hard you try you will never be as big as your pump. A pump is like tomorrow, and you can never reach tomorrow because once it is tomorrow, it is today again. But you will never stop chasing tomorrow because you always want to live another day and tomorrow never dies. What? What the fuck just happened? What did I just type? I blacked out. I think I came a little, too. What was I saying?Okay, so if you are as confused by everything I just said a pump was, let me simplify for you and myself with this list.A pump is a boner for your entire body.A pump is finishing third but getting the gold medal.A pump is an impossible chase. You are Captain Ahab and your pump is your Moby Dick, and your dick is your dick.A pump is achieving muscular arousal from your own reflection.A pump is hitting that mushroom in Super Mario and growing two sizes, but you know that shit is going to leave before you can get to the boss, aka the club.A pump is seeing god's dick, and then realizing it is yours. A pump is like driving a Lamborghini into Cleopatra's butt.A pump is getting cream-pied by god.A pump is like riding a horse made out of dragons.A pump is punching Jupiter with your dick and eating out the sun. There is nothing harder and there is nothing hotter.A pump is a lot like hitting the snooze button. It feels great dreaming for five more minutes, but at some point you have to wake up.A pump is seeing that one bicep vein under the right lighting, then telling people you compete.A pump is typing the word "lie" then hitting bold and sending.A pump is letting Jesus take the wheel while you rub one out and play Game Boy. Reps for Jesus.A pump is that always DTF chick that will give you some butt reps, but will never let you cuddle.A pump is getting a hug from your muscles.A pump is like giving birth to a son and knowing he is going to be good at sports.A pump is driving two jet skis at once, but one jet ski is a rhino farting lightning and the second jet ski is two jet skis.A pump is theory of evolution proven in an hour and a half.A pump is clicking on related videos while watching porn. Once you go down that rabbit hole, you will never be satisfied with real life again.A pump is more addictive than Breaking Bad and actual meth. But I am addicted to all three; call me Walter Weight.A pump is like winning the blood lottery, but it is a scratch-off and you won just enough for tomorrow's ticket.So welcome to the club, buddy. You will never be the same again, because the day you started lifting was the day you became forever small.Chapter 4Rookie MistakesThe day you have been dreading has finally arrived: You have to go to the gym without your brofessor. He took eleven too many car bombs at the bar last night and still isn't awake. Respect. Now you are faced with a decision: Skip your workout today and lose all your gains, or reach into your pants, grab your nutsack, and drag yourself to the gym by it.You still may have the crippling fear of being ridiculed since you are fairly new to the gym, but in reality nobody cares, because once again, you are small. No one is even looking at you, because you are not even big enough to see. It is, however, easy to spot your insecurity through the double XL hoodie draped over your nonexistent traps. But even though you are about as noticeable as the rack of dumbbells below 15lbs, you still do not want to brand yourself as a rookie. Here are some things to avoid.Half ReppingHalf repping is one of the most flagrant offenses in the gym. It is the act of not completing the full range of motion required to count as one whole repetition-in other words, you are putting in half the work. It means you are not interested in follow-through, hard work, and results.
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Product details
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Plume (November 1, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0735211124
ISBN-13: 978-0735211124
Product Dimensions:
5.4 x 0.6 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
218 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#31,271 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Some say he is the first ever to successfully bench "all of it", others may say he is the patriarch of the church of iron, i.e. Pope trenaddict. All I know his that he is the brofessor, and he will be the first ever illiterate best selling author.
If you liked The Brofessors videos, then you'll love the book. It's like he took all his videos, and combined them in a 7 part masterpiece. The brofessor will never let you down.
The Brofessor, the man who can not read, wrote a book. Read it, it's absolute gold; one day, I look forward to becoming as big as him, which is never.
How good is this book? Well my copy got stolen from school and I immediately went back on and bought another. Actual help is included such as: how not to look like a newb the first time in a gym, gym etiquette, how to spot a tool, how to be a tool, how to skip leg day, how to hide your wheelchair legs, and how to cut/eat chicken for long terms while resisting the urge to want to die. You can get another book with more "scientific" advice or you can get butt and buy this book instead. People are saying that this book is just the transcript to his videos but the real Bible is just all those veggie tales episodes just written down too. The reason you should buy this is because its all compiled together for easy reference and funny diagrams. You can edumacate yourself with a book or watch all 1,200,000 episodes and be like all of the other 13 year olds who don't have a job or access to their parents Amazon/credit card. Do yourself a solid and learn a book. Specifically this one.
If you don't buy it you are contributing to the obesity and lack of gains in America.
Buy 30 and use them as weights for arm day. Which is every day.
The good points, and there is really only one, is that this dude captures a lot of the funny things that go on in any gym and makes it funny. Tuh-riff.The downside is that up front, this is just verbatim reading of the dude's YouTube videos. Lame. Second, the dude says a lot of wonky things that someone, not a smart someone, but some-someones, could take as legit advice. Not ideal. Between those things and constantly jocking Black dudes and referencing the Holocaust makes me think this guy is telling us he's a New York "Italian" to conceal a more....cosmopolitan...extraction.
Funny book, here's the thing, you can just watch his youtube videos. There's not much, if anything insofar as new material is concerned. It's cool to have for novelty, and to support Dom, but you can also just buy some of his awesome t-shirts, which supports him and has the added benefit of being a new shirt.
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